Publishing a medical , health informations and tips about the skin and body , in order to help people to get know how to treat their bodies, build healthy lifestyle and get more information about public health.

Friday, October 30, 2020

How do I keep my youth?

 ?How do I keep my youth

Advancing age is considered one of the most worrying stages for anyone in the world. Fear of wrinkles, sagging, and signs of old age dominate a person in general

Women in particular, and by following the advice that we will cite in the article, the signs of aging can be reduced.

How do I keep my youth?

tips to reduce the signs of aging

 Drink a lot of water

 Water has an amazing ability to get rid of dry skin.

and prevent flabbiness and peeling, so it is recommended to drink plenty of water for all ages.

Eat foods rich in antioxidants

 Foods rich in antioxidants work to fight disease

 and aging by reducing damage and inflammation, as inflammation is the main reason for the appearance of wrinkles,

 and the best natural materials that contain antioxidant

the berries.





Dark chocolate, especially that contains 70% cocoa.

green tea.

limit exposure to the sun.

 Although exposure to the sun for short periods benefits the body in the production of vitamin D, prolonged exposure to these rays damages

 and burns of the skin, and to reduce the symptoms of exposure to sunlight, you can wear sunglasses, and use sunscreen rich in zinc or titanium.

How do I keep my youth?

Choose natural skin products.

You should choose moisturizers and skin care products that contain natural ingredients, and avoid those rich in chemicals.

 The use of non-toxic cleaning products because the skin has a great ability to absorb chemicals, and therefore it should be avoided as much as possible.

Grow plants in or around the home.

 The possibility of pollution in indoor areas is higher than in the open air, so having some plants in the home or office act as an air filter.

take vitamin C.

 To maintain less wrinkled skin and a more vibrant body, you can follow a diet rich in Vitamin C,

As taking vitamin C increases the skin's production of collagen by eight times, and eating organic foods fights the consumption of aging toxins.


 Exercise removes toxins through sweat, thus keeping the skin clear of impurities.


Wednesday, October 28, 2020

Recipes to protect the skin in winter

 Recipes to protect the skin in winter

 Milk mask and almond powder

 Mix a spoonful of almond powder with 2 tablespoons of milk, until you make a paste of them, and put the mask on your face for 10 minutes and then wash it with water. Almonds are rich in vitamin E that is beneficial for the skin, and milk is a great moisturizer for the skin.
Recipes to protect the skin in winter

 Mixture of glycerin and rose water

 Glycerin is used as a moisturizer to solve most dry skin problems, and it is one of the best home remedies for skin care in the winter season, and you can add it to rose water known for its tremendous benefits for the skin and put it on your skin daily before bed, and with repeated use you will get smooth skin that is always fresh

 Mask shea butter and coconut oil

 Shea butter has a great ability to moisturize, and it works to purify the face and hide any pimples, and by mixing a few of it with coconut oil, you can moisturize your skin well and get a flawless complexion.

 Papaya and yogurt mask

 Use papaya, yogurt and honey to make a mask, then put it on your face for 10 minutes, then rinse the skin with lukewarm water, and this mask works as an exfoliator for the skin, and it also helps stimulate blood circulation in the face, giving you a bright and attractive face.
Recipes to protect the skin in winter

 Banana and milk

 Try using a banana mask, by mixing a mashed banana with two tablespoons of milk, then use the mixture on your face for 20 minutes, this mask will soften and nourish the skin, and its effect will appear more if your skin is of mixed type.


Tuesday, June 23, 2020

What are the types, forms and causes of vaginal discharge?

  What are the types, forms and causes of vaginal discharge?

   1 |  fluid vaginal discharge accompanied by irritation:

   If you have unusual white watery discharge, you may have a fungal infection or thrush.
   Almost all girls have a fungal infection at some point.
   It can be a result of moisture in the vaginal area, which increases the multiplication of bacteria.
   What are the types, forms and causes of vaginal discharge?

  What are the types, forms and causes of vaginal discharge?

   2 |  Transparent mucous secretions:

   After the menstrual cycle ends, you will notice the presence of mucous secretions, and these secretions express the time of ovulation, and the faster the ovulation time, the more transparent these secretions, and the specifications of these secretions are important to the sperm for a longer period and can be transmitted through the body to fertilize the egg.

   3 |  Brown or bloody secretions:

   Sometimes you find these discharge in the middle of your menstrual period, or during ovulation, sometimes just before your menstrual cycle, when you expect to go down, but if you find a regular flow of these brown discharge, you should test pregnancy, because it may be a sign of pregnancy.

   4 |  White unpleasant smell:

   These secretions are the result of bacterial infections in the vagina, which are caused by a change in the "PH" defect in the acidity of the vagina.
   What are the types, forms and causes of vaginal discharge?

  What are the types, forms and causes of vaginal discharge?

   5 |  Yellow or green secretions:

   Some microbes travel to your body during sexual intercourse, such as gonorrhea, chlamydia and trichomonas, and these microbes cause various secretions, gonorrhea causes yellow secretions, trichomonas cause yellow or yellow greenish secretions and an unpleasant smell, and often chlamydia does not cause secretions.

   ✅  The average daily vaginal discharge is approximately 1 teaspoon.

   ✅  Vaginal discharge helps keep the vagina moist.
   Therefore, excessive vaginal showers cause an imbalance of moisturizers in the vagina.
   This is because it works to kill healthy fungi and beneficial bacteria in it and increase vaginal dryness, making them more susceptible to infection.


Sunday, June 21, 2020

What are the 5 most important vitamins for women ..?

 What are the 5 most important vitamins for women ..?

 Your body makes skin cells every day or changes them, and  build muscle and bone, but this will not happen if you have a deficiency in one of the vitamins necessary to complete the process, because your body cannot produce it by itself.  So we give you the most important vitamins you need.

 1.  iodine

What are the 5 most important vitamins for women ..?
What are the 5 most important vitamins for women ..?
 Iodine is one of the nutrients needed for metabolism, as it plays an essential role in improving the performance of the thyroid gland by secreting hormones that control the metabolic rate.
 Studies have shown that women between the ages of 20 and 39 may have lower iodine levels in the urine, compared to women of all other ages.
 It is worth noting that iodine deficiency is especially dangerous for pregnant women and may cause fetal intellectual disability.

2.  Vitamin D

 Do you get enough vitamin D you need to boost your immunity and your bone health?
 According to a study that was conducted it was found that women need, up to the age of 70 years, to 600 units of vitamin D per day.  This number rises to 800 units after you reach the age of 70. But you may need more, depending on what your doctor says after checking your blood levels.

3.  Calcium

 You may be surprised to hear that most women are vulnerable to calcium deficiency, despite its abundance. Studies have indicated that there is a relationship between calcium deficiency and the aging of women, so they may be more susceptible to osteoporosis by losing bone density.

 4.  Iron deficiency

 Studies show that women are more vulnerable to iron deficiency as a result of losing large amounts of blood during the menstrual period, which causes iron deficiency in the body.
 It is worth noting that a pregnant woman needs more iron during pregnancy, in order to produce additional quantities of blood to feed the fetus and its growth, and its needs for iron increase during the period of breastfeeding.
What are the 5 most important vitamins for women ..?
What are the 5 most important vitamins for women ..?

5.  Vitamin B12

 Some studies have shown that women who eat low levels of vitamin B12 through their diet;  Especially after menopause, he may be more likely to develop breast cancer.


Friday, June 19, 2020

watermelon and healthy skin

watermelon and healthy skin

Watermelon has 5 health benefits for the skin, including oily skin treatment

 Watermelon is generally beneficial to the body and is also beneficial to the skin due to its vitamins and antioxidant content.  It is one of the most beneficial fruits for the skin as it contains a good amount of vitamins, minerals and antioxidants that play a big role in the health and freshness of the skin.  In addition to the benefits of watermelon for the skin, it has many other benefits for health.

 These are the most important benefits of melons for the skin:

 | 1- Moisturizing the skin.

 Among the benefits of watermelon for the skin, working to moisturize it and increase its freshness, as watermelon can rid you of the problems of dry skin.  Watermelon and honey can be used on the skin by placing a cotton ball in the watermelon and honey juice, massaging the skin with it and washing it after a quarter of an hour to moisturize the skin and increase its smoothness.  Watermelon can also be eaten for wet skin.
watermelon and health skin
watermelon and healthy skin

 | 2- Treating oily skin.

 Watermelon can be useful for oily skin as it is rich in vitamin A, which reduces the size of pores in the skin and the secretion of fats from the sebaceous glands.  It is also possible to get rid of the extra fats in the skin by massaging the skin with a cotton ball with watermelon juice and honey with crushed hazelnut and leaving it for a quarter of an hour before washing the skin.  This method also helps moisturize the skin.

 | 3- Delaying the appearance of wrinkles.

 Watermelon is characterized by containing antioxidants, which play a major role in restricting the activity of free radicals and are responsible for increasing signs of aging, such as wrinkles and freckles.  Watermelon is rich in antioxidants such as vitamin A, vitamin C and lycopene.  Watermelon can be used on the skin or by eating it to obtain its benefits to delay the onset of wrinkles.

 | 4- Skin lightening.

 The action of melon mask and yogurt helps lighten the skin, as the lactic acid in yogurt removes dead skin cells and cleanses them.  While watermelon moisturizes the skin and quickly restores the skin.  This mask can be applied to the skin, leave it for 10 minutes, then wash the skin.
watermelon and healthy skin
watermelon and healthy skin

 | 5- Treating acne.

 One of the best benefits of watermelon for the skin is to treat acne that appears on the face by using a watermelon juice mask daily.  This can be done by placing the cotton swabs in the watermelon juice and gently massaging the skin with it, then leaving it on the skin for a quarter of an hour before rinsing the skin with cold water.


Wednesday, January 8, 2020

6 daily habits that give you fresh and clear skin.

 6 daily habits that give you fresh and clear skin.

 Skin needs special care to preserve its freshness and vitality.  Facing environmental pollution factors, toxins and germs, it becomes difficult to protect and purify the skin.  Skin care is not just about using cosmetics, but there are some basic habits and steps that must be followed on a daily basis.

6 daily habits that give you fresh and clear skin.
 6daily habits that give you fresh and clear skin

 1- Drinking water

 The body needs to drink copious amounts of water every day to prevent dehydration and perform its vital functions. Without water, the body is exposed to dehydration and that affects your skin.  If you want healthy, fresh skin, make sure to drink at least 2 liters of water per day.  Remember, caffeine drinks such as coffee or tea are among the most important factors behind dry skin, replacing it with water, natural fruit juices or herbal teas.

 2- Sufficient rest

 With different daily activities, the body needs to get adequate rest on a daily basis.  During sleep, the skin cells repair damage and regenerate their cells, and they maintain bright skin free from the effects of stress and fatigue.

 3- Exercise

 Exercise is one of the most vital activities that helps purify the body of toxins during the sweating process.  It also helps to stimulate blood circulation and increase the blood flow loaded with nutrients towards the skin cells.

 4- Eat healthy food

 A healthy diet rich in vegetables, fruits, proteins and whole grains gives you a fresh and naturally radiant complexion.  The essential nutrients contain all the nutrients necessary for the freshness and vitality of your skin, including vitamins, minerals and antioxidants.

 5- Basic skincare

6 daily habits that give you fresh and clear skin.
skin care routine 
 To keep your skin healthy and fresh, you should follow a regular routine.  Start by cleaning your skin in the morning and at night to get rid of excess oils, germs and acne fungi and dirt accumulated on the surface of the skin.  Don't forget to use a toner, especially for those with oily skin.  Then comes the step of using a moisturizing cream to keep skin soft and supple.

 6- Sunscreen

 Exposure to sunlight is one of the main reasons behind skin damage, dark spots and fine wrinkles.  Using sunscreen lotion is becoming essential to protect against the risks of ultraviolet radiation to skin health, as it may also cause skin cancer.


Monday, December 30, 2019

How to treat my younger siblings?ways to get respect from your siblings .

How to treat my younger siblings?ways to get respect from your siblings .

People who have siblings always try to know how to treat them, some siblings do not respect their older brothers or sisters, so that affects both of them in many different ways.If you have siblings who are teasing or annoying you, siblings not get along and you don’t know how to get them, so keep going and read this article till the end.

                             ?How to build good relationship with your siblings
get your sibling،s love,respect and build good relationship with them

How do you get younger siblings to get along ?Build good relationship with your siblings?

- Be close to them, show them your good feelings and kindness just to be closer than any one else and being inspired for them.
- Being tough with them will get you nothing, try not to interrupt them that going to make the relationship not good.
- Try not to criticize them too much, and if they have something wrong try to explain it gently.
- Make conversation with them by making a special time for them from the day to hear their problems.
- Always be careful to give one an advice in front of his other siblings or anyone cause that will ruin everything.
- Always mention their good and distinctive characteristics in front of people to help them get self confidence and trust in you .
- Encourage them when they do something good and always try to motivate them to get their goals.
- Buy them gifts in the special occasions and when they get success in the school or anything they love.
- Try to take them with you in a trips they love.
- Ignore them when you see them trying to teasing or annoying you.

                             ?How to build good relationship with your siblings
helping people who are interested in knowing how to treat younger siblings, get respect from them and build good relationship with them, 

Maybe some people say their younger siblings were good and easy to deal with them but when they got older the way got tough,
Just try to change your older way, respect their age and treat them as adults.

Some people see their parents treat younger siblings better, and maybe get jealous,
All the matter go back to good treatment and attention so your younger siblings basically need more attention and they need more to know from mental skills to the communication skills, they don’t know the life like you, so the attention should be from you as well.
