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Wednesday, January 8, 2020

6 daily habits that give you fresh and clear skin.

 6 daily habits that give you fresh and clear skin.

 Skin needs special care to preserve its freshness and vitality.  Facing environmental pollution factors, toxins and germs, it becomes difficult to protect and purify the skin.  Skin care is not just about using cosmetics, but there are some basic habits and steps that must be followed on a daily basis.

6 daily habits that give you fresh and clear skin.
 6daily habits that give you fresh and clear skin

 1- Drinking water

 The body needs to drink copious amounts of water every day to prevent dehydration and perform its vital functions. Without water, the body is exposed to dehydration and that affects your skin.  If you want healthy, fresh skin, make sure to drink at least 2 liters of water per day.  Remember, caffeine drinks such as coffee or tea are among the most important factors behind dry skin, replacing it with water, natural fruit juices or herbal teas.

 2- Sufficient rest

 With different daily activities, the body needs to get adequate rest on a daily basis.  During sleep, the skin cells repair damage and regenerate their cells, and they maintain bright skin free from the effects of stress and fatigue.

 3- Exercise

 Exercise is one of the most vital activities that helps purify the body of toxins during the sweating process.  It also helps to stimulate blood circulation and increase the blood flow loaded with nutrients towards the skin cells.

 4- Eat healthy food

 A healthy diet rich in vegetables, fruits, proteins and whole grains gives you a fresh and naturally radiant complexion.  The essential nutrients contain all the nutrients necessary for the freshness and vitality of your skin, including vitamins, minerals and antioxidants.

 5- Basic skincare

6 daily habits that give you fresh and clear skin.
skin care routine 
 To keep your skin healthy and fresh, you should follow a regular routine.  Start by cleaning your skin in the morning and at night to get rid of excess oils, germs and acne fungi and dirt accumulated on the surface of the skin.  Don't forget to use a toner, especially for those with oily skin.  Then comes the step of using a moisturizing cream to keep skin soft and supple.

 6- Sunscreen

 Exposure to sunlight is one of the main reasons behind skin damage, dark spots and fine wrinkles.  Using sunscreen lotion is becoming essential to protect against the risks of ultraviolet radiation to skin health, as it may also cause skin cancer.



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