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Friday, October 30, 2020

How do I keep my youth?

 ?How do I keep my youth

Advancing age is considered one of the most worrying stages for anyone in the world. Fear of wrinkles, sagging, and signs of old age dominate a person in general

Women in particular, and by following the advice that we will cite in the article, the signs of aging can be reduced.

How do I keep my youth?

tips to reduce the signs of aging

 Drink a lot of water

 Water has an amazing ability to get rid of dry skin.

and prevent flabbiness and peeling, so it is recommended to drink plenty of water for all ages.

Eat foods rich in antioxidants

 Foods rich in antioxidants work to fight disease

 and aging by reducing damage and inflammation, as inflammation is the main reason for the appearance of wrinkles,

 and the best natural materials that contain antioxidant

the berries.





Dark chocolate, especially that contains 70% cocoa.

green tea.

limit exposure to the sun.

 Although exposure to the sun for short periods benefits the body in the production of vitamin D, prolonged exposure to these rays damages

 and burns of the skin, and to reduce the symptoms of exposure to sunlight, you can wear sunglasses, and use sunscreen rich in zinc or titanium.

How do I keep my youth?

Choose natural skin products.

You should choose moisturizers and skin care products that contain natural ingredients, and avoid those rich in chemicals.

 The use of non-toxic cleaning products because the skin has a great ability to absorb chemicals, and therefore it should be avoided as much as possible.

Grow plants in or around the home.

 The possibility of pollution in indoor areas is higher than in the open air, so having some plants in the home or office act as an air filter.

take vitamin C.

 To maintain less wrinkled skin and a more vibrant body, you can follow a diet rich in Vitamin C,

As taking vitamin C increases the skin's production of collagen by eight times, and eating organic foods fights the consumption of aging toxins.


 Exercise removes toxins through sweat, thus keeping the skin clear of impurities.



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