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Friday, December 27, 2019

How can I raise a good child without using violence? Tips to raise the child depending on age.

How can I raise a good child without using violence? Tips to raise the child depending on age. 

Raising children is not an easy thing to do, we all take care of our children and their future so many of us get overthinking of this case. Most of parents get confused and don’t know how to raise their child, some didn’t care about this case and thought that when they will get children they will easily be raised and probably thought that their children going to grow up with time and without parents effort. 

Unfortunately some parents using violence against their children to raise them, they don’t know that they’re destroying them.


That going to ruin them psychologically not only that, it will destroy their future as well.

How to raise good child?
Knowing how to raise a good child without  using violence, Tips to raise the child depending on age., 

How to raise good child?

If you’re interested in children raising and want to build good future to your child , 
You have to consider the responsibility of having child.

Here’s some tips to help you:

* When you decide to have a child you have to ensure that you’re mentally and physically able to take care of him.
* Prepare your life and provide suitable conditions before you do think to have a child.
* Realize that each age of the child needs specific treatment.
*Try to get the social intelligence before you decide to have a child.
* Always read about the pediatric psychology.

Age 1-6

* They are hyperactive in this stage, they want to play and discover things so never constrict them.
* Try to build their skills in this stage because they’re fresh and ready to get any thing. 
* Ensure that there’s a safety place for your child to protect him from the risk of getting trauma or poisoning, so try to keep him safe.
* Read for your child even for short time, and try to show the facial expressions during that.
* Try to help the kid in treating his feelings specially in time when he feels upset to do something and help him to achieve that thing.
* Try to behave your kid and courage him to have a good behavior and be away from bad one , that should be done with kindness.

Age 6-12 

* This stage characterized by the sound and rapid mental development , so the parents should take advantage of that to increase the knowledge growth of the child, through sharing him watching news and comment on these news.
* courage him to read books , participation in sport clubs 
* Make conversation with your child and courage him to learn more.
* the parents and community should resort to the activities that improve the personality and mental development of the child. 


Tuesday, December 24, 2019

How to be pupil teacher and build good relationship with pupils?

How to be pupil teacher and build good relationship with pupils?

The teacher pupil relationship is the guide to increase the pupil performance and the teacher experience. So if you’re a new teacher or interested one, this article will get you kind of help. 

How to be pupil teacher?
Knowing how to be pupil teacher and build good relationship with your students and be as a friend for them., 

How to be pupil teacher?

That can occur by many different strategies:

1-Try to listen to your students 
2-Give them the space and time to speak 
3-Play with them 
4-Buy them gifts 
5-Show an Interest in Their Lives Outside of School.

How to be pupil teacher?
Knowing how to be pupil teacher and build good relationship with your students and be as a friend for them., 

How to build good relationship with your student?

The good relationship between the teacher and students is the sign that both are able to build great community, to build this relationship you have to follow some instructions that may help you: 

1-Always try to search about the pediatric psychology, because through it you going to understand them somehow.

3-Don’t make them feel like there’s a gap between you and them,that will get your students the fear and they will be afraid of you. 

4-Be as a friend for them and make them feel free to ask or to put the ideas, try not to constrict them.

5-Have positive attitude and courage them to achieve their goals.

6-Make them feel that you want to learn from them as they want to learn from you, that will help them to get trust in you .

7-Make Learning Fun.



Sunday, December 15, 2019

How can I get the social intelligence?Five strategies to get the social intelligence.

How can I get the social intelligence? Five strategies to get the social intelligence.

Maybe you have heard about social intelligence and maybe not, but anyway I’m sure that you didn’t hear about how to get this life changing skill.

social intelligence. five ways to get the social intelligence
social intelligence. five ways to get the social intelligence

Here is a five ways to get the social intelligence: 

FIRST:Social engagement 

It is the most important one because when you are able to engage with your community then you going to meet many people either friends, friends of your friends or even the workers in your job site, so you will be able to see many personalities and will be able to recognize them easily. That will help you to know how to treat them.

SECOND:Being an active listener 

Listening is in the top of most important skills that build your personality and improve your communication and help you to get know the talking person, and not any type of listen it’s just the active one which means you listen by your brain and analyze every single word that you’ve heard. Always try to listen to others carefully and try not to interrupt them until you ensure that you got the speech.

THIRD:Being a personalities analyst 

You know by active listening that mentioned above you can easily be a personalities analyst , try to hear the speaker well and scan his attitude and read his body language, you going to see yourself automatically put that person in a specific personality.

FORTH:Don’t believe everything 

To increase your social intelligence you shouldn’t believe everything, you should always get step back before judging anyone and believe his words. Because not all the talkers are honest and not all are liars. 


You know that the vocals are so important to reflect your personality?
Try to alert your voice depending on the situation, try to show the person who you talk with,you have the confidence and able to read his thoughts and know everything even in real you don’t, but you are able by your voice during the conversation . 